5th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences - 5th ECCLS

Published on 21/11/2013

June 10th-12th, 2013
Auditorio AXA
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona meeting will be fifth in a series – after Rimini (2005), Wroclaw (2007), Frankfurt (2009) and Budapest (2011) – and will put together scientists from different backgrounds in order to facilitate translation of knowledge from chemistry to biology. 

5th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences - 5th ECCLS

June 10th-12th, 2013
Auditorio AXA
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona meeting will be fifth in a series – after Rimini (2005), Wroclaw (2007), Frankfurt (2009) and Budapest (2011) – and will put together scientists from different backgrounds in order to facilitate translation of knowledge from chemistry to biology.


Selected topics

- Activity-based proteomics.
- Bioconjugates: new methodologic developments and applications in biomedicine.
- Bionanomaterials: nanoparticles in therapy and diagnostics.
- Chemogenomics.
- Conformational analysis of biomacromolecules.
- Design and synthesis of therapeutic nucleic acid derivatives.
- Developing drugs for challenging targets.
- Enzymatic reactions: new enzymatic mechanisms; the role of dynamics in enzymatic function.
- Glycochemistry.
- Light control of biomolecular processes.
- Modulation of protein-protein interactions.
- Molecular recognition and biocatalysis.
- Neurochemistry: molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
- New trends in bioinorganic chemistry.
- New targets in medicinal chemistry.
- Peptide and protein chemistry.
- Synthesis of biologically active compounds.

Iris Biotech GmbH will be present as exhibitor - please feel free to meet us at booth no 11.

Looking forward to meet you in Barcelona!