Synthesis of Protected Peptide Amide Fragments with Sieber Resin

Published on 03/12/2014

Fmoc-Sieber amide resin is an acid-labile carrier for solid phase synthesis of peptide amides. Cleavage with only 1% TFA makes it an ideal carrier for the synthesis of protected peptide fragments in fragment condensation strategies for the synthesis of long peptides.

Fmoc-Sieber amide resin is an acid-labile carrier for solid phase synthesis of peptide amides. Cleavage can be achieved with only 1% TFA in DCM, making them an ideal carrier for the synthesis of protected peptide fragments in fragment condensation strategies for long peptides. It also has been used in organic synthesis of acid-sensitive compounds, for targeted synthesis of primary amines, and for N-alkylated secondary carboxyamides.

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