
Nombre químico: N-alpha (9-Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)-N-alpha-(o-nitroveratryl)-glycine // Sinónimos: 2-((((9H-fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)(4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl)amino)acetic acid, N-alpha (9-Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)-N-alpha-(4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl)-glycine

  • Nº Artículo:FAA7350
  • Nº CAS:850859-64-2
  • Fórmula:C26H24N2O8
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Masa molecular:492,48 g/mol

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Tag for internal solubilization, which can be cleaved by photolysis (350 nm) under ambient conditions. See also our product Fmoc-L-Cys(oNv)-OH (FAA3970), where o-nitroveratryl has been used for thiol protection.

This compound is a potential building block for the construction of (customized) peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) and for peptoid synthesis.


Synthesis, stability and optimized photolytic cleavage of 4-methoxy-2-nitrobenzyl backbone-protected peptides. Erik C. B. Johnson and Stephen B. H. Kent; Chem. Commun. 2006;

1557-1559. DOI: 10.1039/b600304d

Photomodulation of Protein Trans-Splicing Through Backbone Photocaging of the DnaE Split Intein; Luis Berrade, Youngeun Kwon, and Julio A. Camarero; ChemBioChem 2010; 11: 1368 -

1372. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201000157

Karas J.A., Scanlon D.B., Forbes B.E., Vetter I., Lewis R.J., Gardiner J., Separovic F., Wade J.D., Hossain M.A.; 2-Nitroveratryl as a Photocleavable Thiol-Protecting Group for

Directed Disulfide Bond Formation in the Chemical Synthesis of Insulin; Chem. Eur. J. 2014; 20: 9549-9552. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201403574.

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