
Nombre químico: N-alpha-Maleimido-N-beta-Boc-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid // Sinónimos: (S)-3-((tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(2,5-dioxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-1-yl)propanoic acid, Mal-Dpr(Boc), (S)-maleoyl-DPR(boc)-OH, mDPR(Boc), Mal-L-PA-NH-Boc, Mal-Dap(Boc)-OH

  • Nº Artículo:MAA1041
  • Nº CAS:1491152-23-8
  • Fórmula:C12H16N2O6
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Masa molecular:284,27 g/mol
  • Pureza:min. 99%
  • Pureza Enantiomérica:min. 99,7%

from 86,00 €

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100 mg
86,00 €
<10 días laborables
250 mg
144,00 €
<10 días laborables
500 mg
259,00 €
<10 días laborables
1 g
403,00 €
<10 días laborables
5 g
1.440,00 €
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Mal-Dap(Boc) is used as building block, which can be used for conjugation with thiol groups. After removal of the Boc protecting group and conjugation with the mercaptane function the free methylamino side chain will open the maleimide ring under aqueous conditions. While the conjugation reaction between thiol and maleimide is reversible, it turns completely stable in the open ring structure. This becomes particularly important in the formation of conjugates with high value components, like in antibody-drug conjugation (ADC).


Pegylated drug-linkers for improved ligand-drug conjugate pharmacokinetics; R. Lyon, P. Burke, J. Hunter; PCT Int. Appl. 2015; WO 2015057699 A2.

Antibody-drug conjugates of tubulysin analogs with enhanced stability; Q. Cong, S. Gangwar, V. S. Rangan, M.-C. Sung; PCT Int. Appl. 2017; WO 2017196598 A1.

Self-hydrolyzing maleimides improve the stability and pharmacological properties of antibody-drug conjugates; R. P. Lyon, J. R. Setter, T. D. Bovee, S. O. Doronina, J. H. Hunter, M. E. Anderson, C. L. Balasubramanian, S. M. Duniho, C. I. Leiske, F. Li, and P. D. Senter; Nat. Biotechnol. 2014; 32; 1059-1062.

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