11-Azidoundecanoic acid

Nombre químico: 11-Azido-undecanoic acid // Sinónimos: N3-C10H20-COOH

  • Nº Artículo:RL-3200
  • Nº CAS:118162-45-1
  • Fórmula:C11H21N3O2
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Masa molecular:227,30 g/mol
  • Pureza:min. 99%

from 108,00 €

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500 mg
108,00 €
<10 días laborables
1 g
168,00 €
<10 días laborables
5 g
600,00 €
25 g
2.400,00 €

Used as a hydrophobic bioconjugation linker that can be further modified at the azido-position using Staudinger ligation or Click-chemistry. A substrate of lipoic acid ligase for labeling.


Redirecting lipoic acid ligase for cell surface protein labeling with small-molecule probes; Marta Fernández-Suárez, Hemanta Baruah, Laura Martínez-Hernández, Kathleen T Xie, Jeremy M Baskin, Carolyn R Bertozzi & Alice Y Ting; Nature Biotechnology 2007; 25: 1483–1487.  DOI:10.1038/nbt1355.

N-Myristoyl transferase-mediated protein labelling in vivo; William P. Heal, Sasala R. Wickramasinghe, Robin J. Leatherbarrow and Edward W. Tate; Org. Biomol. Chem. 2008; 6: 2308-2315. DOI:10.1039/b803258k.

The 4-N-acyl and 4-N-alkyl gemcitabine analogues with silicon-fluoride-acceptor: Application to 18 F-Radiolabeling; Cesar Gonzalez, Andersson Sanchez, Jeffrey Collins, Ksenia Lisova, Jason Thanh Lee, R. Michael Van Dam, M. Alejandro Barbieri, Cheppail Ramachandran, Stanislaw F. Wnuk; Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2018; 314: DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.02.017.

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