
Fmoc-MeDbz-RAM TG S

Nombre químico: TentaGel S Dawson Fmoc-MeDbz RAM Resin

  • Nº Artículo:S-30091
  • Tamaño de partícula:90 µm
  • Cargando:0.15 - 0.25 mmol/g

from 150,00 €

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150,00 €
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Synthesis of native proteins by chemical ligation; P. E. Dawson, S. B. Kent; Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2000; 69: 923-60.

Synthesis of Proteins by Native Chemical Ligation; P. E. Dawson, T. W. Muir, I. Clark-Lewis, S. B. Kent; Science 1994; 266(5186): 776-779.

Modulation of Reactivity in Native Chemical Ligation through the Use of Thiol Additives; P. E. Dawson, M. J. Chruchill, M. R. Ghadiri, S. B. Kent; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997; 119(19): 4325-4329.

An Efficient Fmoc-SPPS Approach for the Generation of Thioester Peptide Precursors for Use in Native Chemical Ligation; J. B. Blanco-Canosa, P. E. Dawson; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2008; 47(36): 6851-6855.

A Semisynthesis Platform for Investigating Structure−Function Relationships in the N-Terminal Domain of the Anthrax Lethal Factor; B. L. Pentelute, A. P. Barker, B. E. Janowiak, S. B. Kent, R. J. Collier; ACS Chem. Biol. 2010; 5(4): 359-364.

A Reversible Protection Strategy To Improve Fmoc-SPPS of Peptide Thioesters by the N-Acylurea Approach; S. K. Mahto, C. J. Howard, J. C. Shimko, J. J. Ottesen; ChemBioChem 2011; 12(16): 2488-2494.

Making Ends Meet: Microwave-Accelerated Synthesis of Cyclic and Disulfide Rich Proteins Via In Situ Thioesterification and Native Chemical Ligation; Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther. 2013; 19: 43-54.

Chemical Protein Synthesis Using a Second-Generation N-Acylurea Linker for the Preparation of Peptide-Thioester Precursors; J. B. Blanco-Canosa, B. Nardone, F. Albericio, P. E. Dawson; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015; 137(22): 7197-7209.

Native Chemical Ligation of Peptides and Proteins; P. A. Cistrone, M. J. Bird, D. T. Flood, A. P. Silvestri, J. C. J. Hintzen, D. A. Thompson, P. E. Dawson; Curr. Protoc. Chem. Biol. 2019; 11(1): e61.

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