TG XV NH2 (100µm)

Nombre químico: TentaGel XV NH2

  • Nº Artículo:XV30002
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Tamaño de partícula:100-200 µm
  • Cargando:0.18-0.4 mmol/g

from 100,00 €

Grouped product items
Cantidad Unidad de venta Precio Unidad de almacenamiento de stock (SKU) Disponibilidad
1 g
100,00 €
<10 días laborables
5 g
160,00 €
<10 días laborables
25 g
550,00 €
<10 días laborables

Due to modifications of the polystyrene backbone TentaGel XV shows extended swelling properties providing a large reaction volume. It is a superior resin for synthesizing difficult sequences, aggregating peptides, mini proteins, and PNAs in high purity and excellent yields.


R. Pipkorn et al., Int. J. Med. Sci. 2013; 10: 331.

W. Rapp et al. in Peptides 2012, Proceedings of the 32nd European Peptide Symposium, G.Kokotos, V.Constantinou-Kokotos, J.Matsoukas (Eds.), European Peptide Society, 2012; p.28.

S. Rawer et al. in Peptides 2012, Proceedings of the 32nd European Peptide Symposium, G.Kokotos, V.Constantinou-Kokotos, J.Matsoukas (Eds.), European Peptide Society, 2012; p.406.

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