Fmoc-Rink-Amide-2CT resin

Chemischer Name: Fmoc-Rink Amide 2-chlorotrityl Resin

  • Art-Nr.:BR-1310
  • Lagertemperatur:-20°C
  • Partikelgröße:100-200 mesh
  • DVB Quervernetzung:1% DVB
  • Beladung:> 0.4 mmol/g

Ab 310,00 €

Gruppiert Produkte - Artikel
Anzahl Verpackungsgröße Preis SKU Warenverfügbarkeit
25 g
310,00 €
11-20 Arbeitstage
100 g
1.000,00 €
11-20 Arbeitstage

Treatment with diluted AcOH, TFE or mixtures of both in dichloromethane cleaves the trityl ester bond and releases the total protected peptide amide (TOPPA). The C-terminus of the protected peptide amide is still masked by the Rink handle. Total deprotection of the peptide can be achieved by conditions typical for cleave from Wang resin or Rink-amide aminomethyl polystyrene.

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