

Nombre químico: Boc selenazolidine carboxylic acid // Sinónimos: Boc-Sez-OH, (4R)-3-[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-1,3-selenazolidine-4-carboxylic acid

  • Nº Artículo:BAA4880
  • Nº CAS:1841180-44-6
  • Fórmula:C9H15NO4Se
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Masa molecular:280,19 g/mol
  • Pureza:min.98%

from 108,00 €

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100 mg
108,00 €
<10 días laborables
250 mg
180,00 €
<10 días laborables
500 mg
324,00 €
<10 días laborables
1 g
504,00 €
<10 días laborables
5 g
1.800,00 €
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This selenocysteine-derived building-block is used in NCL/deselenization technique. NCL is performed at selenocysteine followed by a selective deselenization reaction, which converts the Sec at the ligation site into Ala in the presence of unprotected Cys residues. Sez is deprotected into Sec by treatment with MeONH2 at pH 4. Sez can also be deprotected using Cu(II) salts. The deselenization reaction is done using TCEP in the presence of DTT.


Chemical Synthesis of Proteins with Non-Strategically Placed Cysteines Using Selenazolidine and Selective Deselenization; P. S. Reddy, S. Dery, N. Metanis; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016; 55(3): 992-995.

Total Synthesis of Glycosylated Human Interferon-gamma; X. Wang, A. S. Ashhurst, L. J. Dowman, E. E. Watson, H. Y. Li, A. J. Fairbanks, M. Larance, A. Kwan, R. J. Payne; Org. Lett. 2020; 22(17): 6863-6867.

Copper-Mediated Deprotection of Thiazolidine and Selenazolidine Derivatives Applied to Native Chemical Ligation; N. Naruse, D. Kobayashi, K. Ohkawachi, A. Shigenaga, A. Otaka; J. Org. Chem. 2020; 85(3): 1425-1433.

Utilizing Copper-Mediated Deprotection of Selenazolidine for Cyclic Peptide Synthesis; Z. Zhao, N. Metanis; J. Org. Chem. 2020; 85(3): 1731-1739.

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