
Nombre químico: N-(((9H-fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)-S-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-L-cysteine // Sinónimos: Fmoc-Cys(Cam)-OH, Fmoc-L-Cys(carboxamidomethyl)-OH, N-alpha-Fmoc-S-methylcarboxamide-L-cysteine

  • Nº Artículo:FAA9090
  • Nº CAS:1443324-12-6
  • Fórmula:C20H20N2O5S
  • Storage temperature:-20°C
  • Masa molecular:400,45 g/mol

from 290,00 €

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290,00 €
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480,00 €
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25 g
1.320,00 €
11-20 días laborables
Hoja de seguridad

Typically, for protein sequencing, cysteine residues are derivatized with iodoacetamide prior to enzymatic digestion and MS analysis of the peptide fragments. Thus, Cys(Cam) containing peptides are required as standards for MS quantitation of proteins. This building block enables Fmoc SPPS of reference peptides containing Cys(Cam) without the need for post-assembly manipulations. Fmoc-L-Cys(Cam)-OH is compatible to TFA and piperidine treatments.


Interaction of halogenacetates and SH compounds: The reaction of halogenacetic acids with glutathione and cysteine. The mechanism of iodoacetate poisoning of glyoxalase; F. Dickens; Biochemical Journal 1933; 27: 1141-1151.

The reaction of iodoacetate and of iodoacetamide with various sulfhydryl groups, with urease, and with yeast preparations; C. V. Smythe; Journal of Biological Chemistry 1936; 114: 601-612.

The absolute quantification strategy: a general procedure for the quantification of proteins and post-translational modifications; D. S. Kirkpatrick, S. A. Gerber, S. P. Gygi; Methods 2005; 35: 265-273.

Lysine-Targeting Reversible Covalent Inhibitors with Long Residence Time; R. M. Reja, W. Wang, Y. Lyu, F. Haeffner, J. Gao; Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022; 144: 1152-1157.

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