H-L-His(Clt)-2CT Resin

Nom chimique: H-L-His(Clt)-2-chlorotrityl resin // Synonymes: H-His(Clt)-2CT Resin

  • n° Art.:RAA1093
  • Storage temperature:-20°C
  • Taille des particules:100-200 mesh
  • DVB réticulation:1% DVB
  • Chargement:> 0.4 mmol/g

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Fiches de données de sécurité

The Clt (2-chlorotrityl) protecting group is more stable than the commonly used Trt group and is being deprotected with 95%TFA in dichloromethane. The main application is in peptide synthesis, whenever certain treatments and modifications of the peptide are being applied, where the standard His(Trt) protection is too labile.


Aletras A., Barlos K. et al; Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 1995; 45(5): 488-496.

Barlos K. et al; Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 1991; 38(6): 555-561.

Sarah L.M. et al, in „Fmoc Solid Phase Synthesis. A practical approach“, Ed.: Chan W.C., White P.D. Oxford University Press 2000, page 177.

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