Catalogues and Brochures

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At regular intervals we create topic-related brochures that gives you an introduction to novel topics and suppports you in these new areas. In addition to theoretical explanations and relevant literature references, you will also find suitable products to assist you in your work in your laboratory. In addition, the main catalogue of Iris Biotech GmbH is created and published in longer intervals.

If you might have the one or the other suggestion for us please feel free to contact us. In the meantime we wish you a every success in the new subject areas. And of course if you have some questions do not hesitate to email us.

Coupling Reagents

This brochure is a practical guide for peptide bond formation. It covers everything you need to know, from the different types of coupling reagents to the mechanisms of how they work. It also includes detailed protocols for your experiments.

latest Version: February 2025

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Protecting Groups

Our brochure provides a guide through the world of protecting groups of different functional groups of the side chains and shows you how to optimize your peptide syntheses. Discover the diverse protecting groups and their cleavage conditions for new possibilities in peptide synthesis and modifications.

latest Version: February 2025

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Photochemical transformations are usually orthogonal to classical chemical transformations, a characteristic that renders them a valuable tool for chemists and biologists alike. This booklet describes our whole range of innovative photoactivated compounds, as well as their applications. This includes compounds such as diazirine amino acids, photolabile linkers and protecting groups, and various crosslinkers.
latest Version:

latest Version: February 2025

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The ever-growing sophistication and variation in linker design have given rise to a new and distinct field of knowledge in synthetic chemistry termed Linkerology®. Discover our expertise and panoply of new cutting-edge tailor-made linker constructs for the latest state-of-the-art bioconjugations.

latest Version: February 2025

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Cyclic Peptides

Disulfide bridges are an important structural element in many proteins and peptides. This brochure is a guideline how to plan and execute the synthesis of peptides with one or several disulfide bridges.

latest Version: February 2025

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Biotinylation Reagents

The affinity and specificity of the avidin-biotin interaction have been exploited for numerous applications in immunology, histochemistry and affinity chromatography, to name only a few. This brochure provides a comprehensive overview of all compounds for biotinylation in our portfolio.

latest Version: February 2025

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Resin Guideline

Our comprehensive guideline on resins for solid-supported peptide synthesis. Complete with protocols for resin loading and linker cleavage, standard protocols for peptide chemistry, as well as a current product list of our solid supports. It also includes latest resin developments, e.g. Hydrazon resins, very useful tools for the synthesis of long peptides via native chemical ligation (NCL).

latest Version: February 2025

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Custom Synthesis

Selected highlights of our custom synthesis capabilities with a focus on our key competence, complex chiral molecules. Homo-amino acids, α- and β-methylated amino acids, fluorinated amino acids, arginine derivatives, substituted prolines, linker molecules, as well as customized polymers are presented.

latest Version: February 2025

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This brochure displays a portfolio of a thousand different PEG derivatives with a length ranging from only 2 ethylene glycol units (with a molecular weight around 100 g/mol) up to long chain PEGs of molecular weights beyond 20,000 g/mol.



latest Version: February 2025

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Polymer Therapeutics

Find here the latest state-of-the-art collection of Polymer Therapeutics technologies - giving the medicinal chemist all options to find the right delivery technique for small drug molecules as well as for large biopharmaceuticals such as proteins, DNA, or RNA.

latest Version: February 2025

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Diamines & Polyamines

Diamines & Polyamines such as ethylene diamine, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine play important roles in many different biological functions and as feed stock for simple and sophisticated fine chemical productions. Find in our brochure over 100 different listed compounds and our possibilities for tailored custom synthesis of specific derivatives.

latest Version: February 2025

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Click Chemistry

Our Brochure for Click Chemistry with hundreds of different Azido and Alkyne Compounds. Find our possibilities for Copper-free Click Conjugation and our related Custom Synthesis capabilities.

latest Version: February 2025

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Ligation Technologies

Native Chemical Ligation (NCL) represents a versatile methodology for the synthesis of longer peptides. This brochure includes strategies for the performance of native chemical ligations, protocols, as well as a list of related products.

latest Version: February 2025

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