
Nombre químico: N-alpha-(9-Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)-N-epsilon-4-methyltrityl-L-lysine // Sinónimos: Fmoc-Lys(Mtt)-OH

  • Nº Artículo:FAA1135
  • Nº CAS:167393-62-6
  • Fórmula:C41H40N2O4
  • Storage temperature:2-8°C
  • Masa molecular:624,8 g/mol

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Building block with side protection orthogonal to Fmoc/tBu strategy. Can be used for side specific derivatization, for example for TFA mediated in situ cyclization, which is taking advantage of intermediate aspartamide formation.


A Tandem In Situ Peptide Cyclization through Trifluoroacetic Acid Cleavage; Koushik Chandra, Tapta Kanchan Roy, Deborah E. Shalev, Abraham Loyter, Chaim Gilon, R. Benny Gerber,

and Assaf Friedler; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014; 53: 9450-9455. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201402789.

Preparation of the very acid-sensitive Fmoc-Lys(Mtt)-OH. Application in the synthesis of side-chain to side-chain cyclic peptides and oligolysine cores suitable for the

solid-phase assembly of MAPs and TASPs; A. Aletras, K. Barlos, D. Gatos, S. Koutsogianni and P. Mamos; International journal of peptide and protein research 1995; 45: 488-96.

Synthesis of Modified Peptides; S. L. Mellor, D. A. Wellings, J.-A. Fehrentz, M. Paris, J. Martinez, N. J. Ede, A. M. Bray, D. J. Evans and G. B. Bloomberg; ChemInform 2000; 31:

no-no. doi:10.1002/chin.200043243

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