Luciferin for Research and Industry – from MG to KG Scale

Published on 17.06.2014

In modern biotechnology there are numerous applications for the luminogenic luciferase assay. We supply luciferin from mg scale for research applications like monitoring of gene expression or tumor growth up to kg quantities for hygiene surveillance in food industry

Due to the absence of need of excitation light, the chemiluminescent luciferase assay allows higly sensitive detection without background noise. Therefore it has made its way into numerous biotechnological applications:

  • Food industry: Positive luciferase test on food surfaces as a clear sign for microbial contamination1.
  • luc reporter gene system: Higly sensitive method for the identification of gene expression even at very low levels2.
  • Identification of protein-protein interactions.
  • Measuring of cellular receptor activity.
  • Monitoring of tumor growth3.

D-Luciferin and the water soluble potassium salt of D-luciferin are available as luciferase substrates. Potassium salt of L-luciferin is an inhibitor of firefly luciferase and a substrate for luciferyl-CoA synthetase.
We can supply these compounds at high purity from mg scale for your research up to multi-kg scale for technical applications like hygiene monitoring.

  • Hawronskyj, J.-M., and Holah, J., ATP: a universal hygiene monitor. Trends Food Sci. Tech. 1997; 8: 79-84.
  • Dussmann, P. et al., Live in vivo imaging of Egr-1 promoter activity during neonatal development, liver regeneration and wound healing. BMC Dev. Biol. 2011; 11: 28.
  • O’Connell-Rodwell, CE. et al., In vivo analysis of heat-shock-protein-70 induction following pulsed laser irradiation in a transgenic reporter mouse. J. Biomed. Opt. 2008; 13(3): 030501.