Blog - Product Focus

  1. Preloaded Hydrazide Resins for Greener Peptide Synthesis

    Improve your synthesis and avoid undesirable solvents! Use our hydrazine resins - preloaded with hydrazine or amino acid hydrazides - to generate peptide fragments for NCL. 

  2. UAA! Discover Aminocoumarinyl Lysine

    We say "UAA"! By genetic code expansion you can incorporate our novel aminocoumarinyl lysine in your favorite protein where it serves you as fluorescent probe or photo-activatable caged lysine.

  3. More Knowledge – New Brochures & Flyers

    Discover our new brochures about "Protecting Groups" and "Coupling Reagents" as well as our new flyer about "Lysine - Simplify Peptide Modifications". Visit our website for free download!

  4. Discover TIQ and TIC as Proline Analogs

    Implement our 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-1-carboxylic acid (TIQ) and -3-carboxylic acid (TIC) building blocks as proline analogs! Shape your peptide and improve binding and performance!

  5. Preloaded MPPA-Li Resin and Rink-Li Resin

    Take advantage of our novel pre-loaded Li resins and bring your peptide synthesis to a "greener" level by employing water or other environmentally more friendly solvents! 

  6. Frequently Asked Questions on Working with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

    Improve your work with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and get the most out of your research - follow our frequently asked questions for detailed handling insights!

  7. The Photosensitive MNI Protecting Group

    Shining light on 4-methoxy-7-nitroindoline (MNI) photocaged aspartate and glutamate building blocks suitable for Fmoc-SPPS. Liberate the sidechain carboxylic acid by irradiation with UV-light of 365 nm.

  8. Frequently Asked CliCr® Questions

    Improve your click chemistry synthesis with CliCr® - the 7-membered ring strained alkyne TMTHSI is the smallest, most hydrophilic, and highly reactive reagent for copper-free click chemistry.

  9. New Maillard Products for Peptide Synthesis and Analytics

    Benefit of our latest Maillard Reaction Product additions! Use them as reference standard for quality control and food analysis or synthesize modified peptides for research studies.

  10. A Triazolecarbaldehyde for Selective N-Terminal Protein Modification

    Looking for methods to selectively modify your peptide’s N-terminus? Discover triazolecarbaldehydes and benefit of mild reaction conditions, high yields, and compatibility with aqueous media.

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