Pepstatin A

Chemical name: [3S,4S)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-6-methylheptanoic acid] // Synonyms: Iva-Val-Val-Sta-Ala-Sta, Isovaleryl-L-val-L-val-statinyl-L-alastatine

  • Product code:LS-3910
  • CAS No.:26305-03-3
  • Formula:C34H63N5O9
  • Storage temperature:-20°C
  • Molecular weight:685.90 g/mol

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A potent, reversible, highly selective inhibitor of acid proteases (aspartate proteases) that has been shown to inhibit HIV and MMTV proteases. Pepstatin A shows no activity

against thiol proteases.

Potential targets: Pepsin, Renin, Cathepsin D, Chymosin, Protease B, retroviral Proteases


Cathepsin D protects colorectal cancer cells from acetate-induced apoptosis through autophagy-independent degradation of damaged mitochondria; C. S. Oliveira, H. Pereira, S.

Alves, L. Castro, F. Baltazar, S. R. Chaves, A. Preto and M. Corte-Real; Cell death & disease 2015; 6: e1788. doi:10.1038/cddis.2015.157

Inhibitory effects of pepstatin A and mefloquine on the growth of Babesia parasites; T. Munkhjargal, M. AbouLaila, M. A. Terkawi, T. Sivakumar, M. Ichikawa, B. Davaasuren, T.

Nyamjargal, N. Yokoyama and I. Igarashi; Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012; 87: 681-8. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0218

Inhibition of glioma cell lysosome exocytosis inhibits glioma invasion; Y. Liu, Y. Zhou and K. Zhu; PLoS One 2012; 7: e45910. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045910

A Multifunctional Protease Inhibitor To Regulate Endolysosomal Function; S. I. van Kasteren, I. Berlin, J. D. Colbert, D. Keane, H. Ovaa and C. Watts; ACS Chemical Biology 2011;

6: 1198-1204. doi:10.1021/cb200292c

Induction of cell death in neuroblastoma by inhibition of cathepsins B and L; R. Colella, G. Lu, L. Glazewski, B. Korant, A. Matlapudi, M. R. England, C. Craft, C. N. Frantz and

R. W. Mason; Cancer Lett 2010; 294: 195-203. doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2010.01.037

Pepstatin, a new pepsin inhibitor produced by Actinomycetes; H. Umezawa, T. Aoyagi, H. Morishima, M. Matsuzaki and M. Hamada; The Journal of antibiotics 1970; 23: 259-62.

T. Munkhjargal, M. AbouLaila, M. A. Terkawi, T. Sivakumar, M. Ichikawa, B. Davaasuren, T. Nyamjargal, N. Yokoyama, and I. Igarashi(2012) Inhibitory Effects of Pepstatin A and

Mefloquine on the Growth of Babesia Parasites. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 87(4), 681-688.

H. Umezawa, T. Aoyagi, H. Morishima, M. Matsuzaki, M. Hamada. (1970) Pepstatin, a new pepsin inhibitor produced by Actinomycetes. J Antibiot (Tokyo), 23(5), 259­62.

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